And thus we stood amongst dust and debris Within the fortress walls from inside the keep The last rabble came swinging and clashing their swords Outnumbered we were, a broken king And a handful of warriors The battle was fierce, the stakes were high And death was close at hand
On this day, this day of wrath The high priest looked down and laughed He didn't suspect his guard could fall As we were but a handful strong
Hold ground warriors Have no fear for death or pain Go forth with pride For we rule this cursed night Make way for your king Risen from his dark betrayal Ruthless in your plight Show your strength in this fight
Charging through the castle halls And raze the armory Determination in their minds Devoted tot this strife Hell ablaze within the keep Awaits the light of day
Victory The battle is won His reign is done Rejoice Warriors in arms Redeemed Bound by the sword