I live my life the way I fuckin want to I won't take no shit, especially not from you seems to me you're all the fuckin same 9 to 5 people you're dead set insane <i>[Chorus]</i> The banks get rich off the backs of good men twenty years inside if you rob them you try to tell me about truth and justice there ain't no justice son, just fuckin us <i>[Chorus]</i> I've been in this society long enough to know that if you're on the bottom, there ain't no place to go you can take your dead end jobs and shove em up your arse we're not going to take it cuz we got the sus <i>[Chorus]</i> I've seen men grovel and I've seen em cry realizing how pointless was their life wage slave mentality permeates the state and you wonder why the youth are so filled with hate <i>[Chorus]</i> Give us hope only to take it back we're the kids who fell through the cracks I'll be your enemy until you concede and our wrath in full you shall receive <i>[Chorus]</i> I won't condone society, I won't even try, cuz rats get fat whilst good men die.