Yesterday was not quite what it could've been As were most of all the days before But I swear today with every breath I'm breathing in I'll be trying to make it so much more
Cause it seems I get so hung up on The history of what's gone wrong That the hope of a new day is sometimes hard to see But I'm finally catching on to it Yeah the past is just a conduit And the light there at the end is where I'll be
Cause I'm on the up and up I'm on the up and up And I haven't given up Given up on what I know I'm capable of Yeah I'm on the up and up Yeah there's nothing left to prove Cause I'm just trying to be A better version of me For you
To be prosperous would not require much of me You see, contentment is the one thing it entails To be content with where I am, and getting where I need to be And moving past the past where I have failed
For you never cease to supply Me with with what I need for a good life So when I'm down I'll hold my head up high Cause you're the reason why, yeah you're why