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Sit / Stay


I Disagree

Every time you fall back down
Sit and stay, lie on the ground
Do what you've been
What you've been told
Sit Stay
Lie down
Sit Stay
Lie down

Godspeed to the radio star
Stop the beat when they take it too far
Don't go blind from the stars in your eyes
Welcome to the new starting line

Hide your face
And don't talk back
I have you now
So face the fact

Do what you've been
What you've been told
Sit Stay
Lie down
Sit Stay
Lie down

Godspeed to the radio star
Stop the beat when they take it too far
Don't go blind from the stars in your eyes
Welcome to the new starting line

I will not obey you
I will not obey

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Ouça estações relacionadas a Poppy no Vagalume.FM

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