Egyptians The Mayans The Vedics Aztec tribe Sumerians The Nordics The Hebrews Hopi Tribe
Since our day one Human kind has been guided For sure we're not alone From our heart To the Milky Way What is out there we don't know This unite us as a race Our origin and future!
From a dot To outer space We'll find out real soon We're not the only race That's out there in the world No way! We are not alone!
The Pyramids The Stonehenge Vimanas Nazca lines Wondjinas Crop Circles The Carnac Puma Pumko
Since our day one Human kind has been guided For sure we're not alone! From our heart To the Milky Way What is out there we don't know This unite us as a race Our origin and future!
From a dot To outer space We'll find out real soon We're not the only race That's out there in the world From our heart To the Milky Way What is out there we don't know This unite us as a race Our origin and future!
From a dot To outer space We'll find out real soon We're not the only race That's out there in the world No way! We are not alone!