As the moon becomes fuller, the night ascends its throne To the extinguish the light forever. when this time arrives, The beauty of the night stands under the shine of the moon In her full splendour.
An unearthly form in darkness, in the middle of a crcle of wolves.
As the moon becomes fuller, the priests of the night enforce their rituals in the depths of the forests.
They honour the lord of darkness, because his arrival is near. The creaures of the night creep out of their lairs. Just with their help we shall expell the pestilence out of our empire.
Der mond erfüllt mich mit unglaublicher stärke. Vor seinem angesicht strecken wir die klingen zum himmel empor, Welche einst von den starken händen unserer väter geführt wurden.
An einer bergklippe sehen wir die schnheit der nacht im glanze des mondes.