Work that job To earn Your pay 40 hours Another week The rush To get there Every day To punch the clock Its Ticking away Your late my friend One more time And not again 12 months Another year You have fallen Into The system
In god we trust That's what they say Ballistic missiles Point our way Cautious spending EPA, spy networks CIA exposure levels Justice weighs Whatever happened To my 401 K? A costly state No fixed return That's the plan The betrayal system
Betrayal System Betrayal System Betrayal System Betrayal System Betrayal System Betrayal System
[guitar solos]
In god we Trust That's what they say When play dies It becomes a game No one near To hear your Screams Except the killer Of All your dreams Stroke the cards You dealt Yourself Amidst plenty You will perish Trodden under Cloven hoof The chains of being Your in the System