We’ve been climbing uphill together for three years and counting. Life kicks when we’re down but we just keep trying. What else can we do? Dwell on the past and it will bury you. But it’s getting harder to look ahead with all these conflicting thoughts inside my head. These days are too dark and they last too fucking long. That’s why we made a promise. That’s why we carved it in stone. And where it was written is where it will fucking stay. It’s the sword that we live by even if it means we have to die this way. Destination: Death or Better Days. When we’ve had enough…we’ve had enough…there is something inside of us that can’t be touched. We are unbreakable. So this is where it ends. I’m putting my foot down. I’m sick of second guessing. I’m fucking sick of falling down. Rock bottom is a beautiful start. We’re rising up to show the world our scars from a former life that we’d rather not hide. This is our time.