Jelly Roll


Jelly Roll

Ballads Of The Broken

I woke up this morning a little hungover
It hits different since I got older
Still got this old chip on my shoulder
The stubborn side of me will never get sober

Try to numb my pain but the bullshit never works
(Bullshit never works)
I run from shame, I'll do anything to heal the hurt

I fucked up again
Hide behind my sins
I've found everything but closure
Learn to swallow pride
Behind these hollow eyes
I don't see change getting closer
I'll never get sober

I deal with this pain, don't ask me how
I just hide behind a mask of smiles
When I'm down and drunken bound I get as high as I can be
I don't like the person that's inside of me

Try to numb my pain but the bullshit never works
(Bullshit never works)
I run from shame, I'll do anything to heal the hurt

I fucked up again
Hide behind my sins
I've found everything but closure
Learn to swallow pride
Behind these Hollow eyes
I don't see change getting closer
I need to get sober

I woke up this morning a little hungover

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