You, you been feelin' so lost under the open sky It's like a crossing a desert, it's so hot and dry You wanna lay down and die
And you, you been trying to breathe and get your second wind You've been asking God for the strength to try again 'Cause you're about to give in
But I know He won't let you Go through more than you can bear
CHORUS: There's not a mountain Standing in your way, that won't fall or crumble When you pray in faith There's not a valley, that you can't walk through Greater is He that is in you Greater is He
Oh I see where you are, yes, I have been there too Oh I've been in the fire and I've made it through But don't be discouraged, no
When you pass through the water and fire Oh yes, He is there for you, and He will bring you out
CHORUS: There's not a mountain you can't speak to That won't fall into the sea There's not a valley you can't get through Oh, you'll see the other side when you believe