Got two in the trunk Been at the pharmacy Parts are filling out with the junk A gift of urgency Proceed to swallow it all An act of courtesy Agonist The battle: Forgot To see the lines and assign The color shift Describe the blind the vision: Animal I've seen the iris aspire to flee the actual
Bad attach Shake and No prac The state Anaphylactic Stop Drop Roll Drip All Battery acid
Carried off wearing pitch black plastic Sigh to ringing of the pastor chord Sonic disaster And eyes are past the vast Supplied to puncture auras more Go two two feet ready Out he backdoor
Fuck that bitch Ain't no faint cuck Drive that ditch Till the sign stuck Sleeping on needles So be it Tenuous being Opiate Affinite Definite be it bad luck
Helix left of the black stone Leave it dead in a red tone Picking up pieces So vicious Leaking deciet and diseases Leaving it reeking until the body's gone
Idle trace Lend my charge out Stained in grey Shift the background