The winter was cold and grey, When you passed out that day I remember as if it was today But please don’t you fear Because soon we will be near Close to me in here
Memories so long forgotten But the soreness still resides Inside my head, inside my heart Like a river of blood in my vein Flowing and driving me insane I am feeling all the pain All the pain pounding in my brain
Closer and closer from the light I am! But farther from you! What’s the matter? Why even bother? Soon let’s hope that we’ll be together Forever!
Don’t know Don’t care So long forgotten But the soreness still resides Inside my head, inside my heart Like a river of blood in my vein Flowing and driving me insane I am feeling all the pain All the pain pounding in my brain
Memories so long forgotten But the soreness still resides Inside my head, inside my heart Like a river of blood in my vein Flowing and driving me insane I am feeling all the pain All the pain pounding in my brain