I do what I want to find my own vitality, the big things and the small ones.
I do what I want but take responsibility for all that I am and the things that I do.
I take my time to find out what I really want, cause maybe I am silence, maybe I am storm. I will take what I need to express, I’m determined to try out all things that make me feel alive.
It could be something small like tasting ice cream I never choose or it could be something big like shouting around just when no one does or saving a rose chaver drowning in a watering can.
For me it’s an amazing fact that within the whole history of men there will never ever be again one like you or me.
Do what you want to show your own vitality, the big things and the small ones.
All that you need to get your own intergrity is part of youself and prepared to be found.
I do what I want to show my own vitality, the big things and the small ones.
All that I need to get my own intergrity is part of myself and prepared to be found.