See the dying world In your hands have blood nature is victim of the human decay you must pay with pain. Chorus Aperi oculus specta quae ferimus Uastando terras gentesque Nihil post hoc! Nihil post hoc! Now the moon is crying ‘cause men kill men war, destruction, violence scars on our dying world. Chorus In agonia doloris Agonia quam simul facimus Fabricando metu nouum futurum. Cruor, dolor, pluuia ignis Mors, denique, in iferos cadam. What for name when the world is dying? When we kill our “ mother earth”. Nature demands revenge! Blood, pain, fire rain Death, for all… falling in hell! Solo In agonia doloris When we kill our “ mother earth “ Habeo in mente ut mundum Nature demands revenge! Cruor, dolor, pluuia ignis Death for all… falling in hell! What for name when the world is dying? When we kill our “ mother earth”. Nature demands revenge! Blood, pain, fire rain Mors, denique, in iferos cadam Senties aliquem clamantem In uauitate magis regnate. Habeo in mente ut mundum Filiorum futurum occiderim. Nihil post hoc!