Gus Lopes


Gus Lopes


Naked statue of you and me
Still believe we were meant to be
But not meant to stay
So I understand why you had to run away

On my knees, I could beg you, please
Don't forget all the memories of last Saturday
I promise I'll try not to keep them on replay

I won't deny that I miss you
But I guess I'll just let time
Absolve your crime
And let me grief

You say I was in your prayers
Just forget forbidden affairs
Help me again, God
Don't let my mind trick me, and I'll say amen

I breathe deep
But the foxes keep on preying on the sheep
Been strong so long
You made me weak
I know where to find you and
I know you think of me every now and then
It's bittersweet in the end, but it's okay
I'm okay
(I guess) I'll tell my children this one day
But until then

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