Was it the January winds on your face? Or the longing for personal space? Or were your crimes just too hard to erase?
Was it the way you'd get caught in the rain In a heat that you cannot explain? Or did the rent finally drive you away? What an interesting card to have played
Well go chase the sun Go chase the sun and see what you could become
Was it the trains on a saturday night? Or the that your neighbours would fight? Or did you start to believe all the hype?
Was it the homeless begging for change? Or cause nobody listened to the things you would say? Or did your friends just convince you to stay? That's an interesting card to have played
Well go chase the sun Go chase the sun and see what you could become
I'll sit and wait for whatever it is that Keeps be believing in a city like this Be it the people, or be in the views I am not lost and I am not confused So you can go chase the sun Go chase the sun and see what you could become