well the sixteen years that we was allowed the bottom gave the bottom fell out you were there with your head real low if you got hurt it never really showed well i guess a father comes to terms when he pauses and returns
it’s been a slow year on the heartbreak shift you come to love the ride but you loathe the lift the past is gone and you’re hard on its heels your knuckles white from your grasp upon the wheel and not one moment you deter from the quiet you prefer
i used to don my coat and let some people in but i shy away from the good it brings i beat it good i soon got tired i said i would and i never was a liar and so your dreams are lulled with sleep like the company you keep
i close my eyes and you are wide awake oh the things we do ‘cause of debts unpaid i’m keeping time by your faithful sigh tomorrow sunday never satisfies well i guess we’re water to the sea i can draw your face from memory i guess we’re water to the sea