Goldie Boutilier
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I Ain't Gonna Cry

Goldie Boutilier

My Name Is Kay

Try to look on the bright side
But there ain't no bright side to us
Maybe I'll turn on the night-light
Maybe I'll sleep tight for once

Since you've been gone
Don't need no sad songs
Bringing me down on my knees
Ain't gonna take much
And I'm gonna start off
By taking my heart off my sleeve

I ain't gonna cry 'cause it's over
I'm just gonna smile 'cause it happened
I know it ain't what I hoped for
But fuck it I'mma keep on dancing
I ain't gonna cry 'cause it's over, over, over
I'm just gonna smile 'cause it happened
It happened to me
Oh, to me, to me
To me

'Could've spent my whole lifetime
Replaying that rewind, for what? Yeah
So I loved it and I lost it, but that's just the cost of
Giving it up

Since you've been gone
Don't need no sad songs
Bringing me down on my knees
Ain't gonna take much
And I'm gonna start off
By taking my heart off my sleeve

I ain't gonna cry 'cause it's over
I'm just gonna smile 'cause it happened
I know it ain't what I hoped for
But fuck it I'mma keep on dancing
I ain't gonna cry 'cause it's over, over, over
I'm just gonna smile 'cause it happened
It happened to me
Oh, to me, to me
To me, to me
To me

No matter how hard it was yesterday
I learned something that I'll never throw away
Still the same girl, never disappeared
Look at me, I'm still standing here
I'm still standing here
No I ain't gonna
No I'm just gonna

I ain't gonna cry 'cause it's over
I'm just gonna smile 'cause it happened
I know it ain't what I hoped for
But fuck it I'mma keep on dancing
I ain't gonna cry 'cause it's over, over, over
I'm just gonna smile 'cause it happened
It happened to me

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