Maybe lovers stumble towards a silver moon Talk trivialities, sing out of tune Bourbon breath, sandy toes in ocean spray Last summer evening as bright as day
Wary lovers hesitate, drift apart, then meet once more Two silhouettes on the sandy shore Maybe fingers press, maybe legs caress Forgetful tongues their plans confess.
And I lie curled up in the doorstep of the grey sea And the sky counts possibilities thinking, maybe Sometimes the stars burn close, within my reach And sometimes they crash to pieces on the beach
One kiss, an experiment, a test Damp shirt reveals one button breast Lovers come together thoughtless at last Maybe all things possible will come to pass. Maybe.....
And in the midnight of her dreams A choice it seems is whispering "maybe" And in the gulf of his desire A voice comes through th fire whispering "maybe" And I lie in my reveries My head upon my knees, thinking "maybe" And late at night here on the dune You can hear the moon, thinking maybe".