Salvage the ruins of a heart That was left an empty tomb
"As I prepare to cross the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are going with me" - Paraphrase from Psalms 23 Your rod and your staff will comfort me, Keep me from harm You give me the strength to stand on my own I can feel the platelets inside of my blood trembling
Salvage the ruins of a heart that was left an empty tomb Sinners forgiven is all that we ever are It's all that we are
Give me hope give me something worth dying for Salvage the ruins of a heart that was left an empty tomb
Hold your head high you undeserving soul Your worth more than you know Our hands rip from the ground We're reaching to the sky Don't look so defeated There's mercy waiting to wash you clean Our hands rip from the ground We're reaching to the sky Forgiveness is all that we needed Mercy has washed us clean Salvage the ruins of a heart that was left an empty tomb