Ungodly creatures A swarm of filth Wretched garbage horde Blindly charging into shit This isn't even about Dagon This is about the fans "It was just porn" "He admitted to it but who cares"
Crushing All The Parasites Ending All Their Garbage Lives The Most Evil Act Of Man Every One Of Them Is Damned Inquisition Fans Ablaze Twisting In The Scarlet Flames Drowning In The Blackened Smoke On Their Own Burning Flesh They Choke
These fucking trashlords Pedophile apologist shitheads They don't care if he's guilty or not "Black metal is supposed to be dangerous" Grotesque and hideous These "people" are monstrous Pedophiles and their garbage ilk Burn forever in the blaze of Hell
Crushing All The Parasites Ending All Their Garbage Lives The Most Evil Act Of Man Every One Of Them Is Damned Inquisition Fans Ablaze Twisting In The Scarlet Flames Drowning In The Blackened Smoke On Their Own Burning Flesh They Choke