Getting out of bed is one of the things That ruins the day completely It's raining cats and dogs I grab my hat and coat and hope I won't get too wet
I miss the train and have to go by bus I take a seat and hope to get some sleep I spot a girl who would fit into my world And by accident I pick up her name
I dream and dream and dream Of all the things we could do if only I phoned her Go abroad on holidays, have a stove and a car That is front-wheel driven
I miss the train and have to go by bus I take a seat and hope to get some sleep I spot a girl who would fit into my world And by accident I pick up her name
But when my trembling hands Try to pick up the phone there's always excuses I'd rather watch tv it's always very pleasant Except on a saturday evening
I miss the train and have to go by bus I take a seat and hope to get some sleep I spot a girl who would fit into my world And by accident I pick up her name
I fill my life with orange juice and milk Fill my life with orange juice and milk