Im rapidly Rhyming Ripping Abducting your ears from you Understand That's my magic Aren't just bibidi babidi bu I live in a country Were politicians don't know what do do So if you ask me Im not fine gringo And how are you?
I know a brazilian Rapping in english Woow You keep listening Even with the phones ringing My flow Yo! Im here to talk about my country The one you think you already know But no If doubt im going to show We're not just soccer So don't come to shout gooal Just go!
But the people here are happy well Thats true But im rapping To show behind the blue Sky So turn on your wi fi Rap were born in usa But a brazilan get you high?
Ironic ha? Almost comedy Excuse me to bring down your hapiness But my hommies know well whats tragedy And im in thei're company Feeling unconfortable So come for the ball We will receive you With a red carpet in the hall At all its natural You guys own the role Way before we crawl
Like babys And it gets me crazy My people worship you and forget They are amazing Approach their brothers with tasers Not lasers Cause we can't afford My bad, thats why they want your ford Oh lord Look how many you'll deceive Not your fault thats true But you'll receive Sucess and progress That they'll never get to anchive And I really want to get rid Of this mentality that keeps them Away from feed And the reality already came to knock my door 1, 2, 3 times, four Reborn aragorn Your in narnia not mordor And remember your are here To the lion show you how to roar!
Ha! Brasil não é só isso É tambem função Se ta ligado eu falo do meu coração Falei pros gringo agora falo pra você Não se deixe ser levado pelos programas da tv O brasileiro é lindo mas não sabe o proceder Quer tirar de estrangeiro mesmo sem aparecer Qualé irmão, sente esse som Síndrome de vira lata é o caralho A nossa fome é de leão Vai devorando Dominando O planeta inteiro Sou brasileiro com orgulho E sou daqueles bem ligeiro Motorista desde a infância E num aceito ser passageiro
E passageira é nossa situação Que esse jogo ainda vira E nois vai dominar o mundão Dirigindo cadillac ou também um opalão, de ferrari, maceratti ou ate de busão, flagro a missão? Mas antes de muda o mundo mude a sua percepção Abaixo a corrupção!