Everything Everything
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The Kids Are Obese

Everything Everything

A little foetal fumble now the kids are obese
So you put out your windows and I'll call the police
Tell me, which Iraqi warlord gets a slap on the wrist?
Ah jailbait, you so cynical you barely exist

It's coming out of my eyes

It's hard living under a blanket of ice
Got the engine running and leave on the lights
And go ahead with your retina scanning
That won't tell you what's somebody's planning

I think I found an atom under all this debris
And the Rottweiler's effort is a method to me
Hey, let's violate the curfew with a missile tonight
Yeah, you lube up that Nerf gun
sergeant, let's travel light

If you're the black of my eye

It's hard living under a blanket of ice
Start the engine running and leave on the lights
And go ahead with your retina scanning
That won't tell you what somebody's planning

Nothing has a consequence while I'm ahead with
Telescopic vision and some infra red
You know as long as you carry a code I have
No worries you're gonna explode so
Go ahead with your retina scanning
That won't tell you what's somebody's planning
Go ahead with your retina scanning
That won't tell you what's somebody's planning
Go ahead with your retina scanning
That won't tell you what's somebody's planning
Go ahead with your retina scanning
That won't tell you what's somebody's planning
Go ahead with your retina scanning
That won't tell you what's somebody's planning
Go ahead with your retina scanning
That won't tell you what's somebody's planning

She dresses like a documentary made about Earth
Pray one day she'll find out what a barbarian's worth
She dresses like a documentary made about her
Pray one day she'll find out what a barbarian's worth

Compositor: Jonathan Higgs

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