Everything Everything


Everything Everything

You can't make me believe what I don't
I can breathe through the pen in my throat
I don't fear the pit, I will float

Don't wanna say the quiet part out loud
But we're not profound, we're just meat
Think you've been talking to the modern world
But, my friend, I heard your scream

Oh, canary, canary, canary
Under the ground
Canary, canary, canary
Under the ground
(Under the ground)

I don't think it's a trick of the light (Heed my warning)
No more dreaming in black and white (Heed my warning)
All I want is to brutalise (Heed my warning)

I hear the drumming of the Hell-Kite priest
On my bones they feast, but that's fine
I've got these rifles for my arms and legs
And I've laid in bed enough time

Oh, canary, canary, canary
Under the ground
Canary, canary, canary
Under the ground

I don't think it's a trick
Oh, under the ground

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