In between moons I was the sea, I was the sea In between stars I was the salt, I was the salt Wild and vulgar were the ones that you could see The ugly idols not cherished by me
In between moons I was the spring, I was the spring In between stars I was the iron, I was the iron Washed and scrubbed from morning till night The sky is heavy on my shoulders but alright
It happened so very long ago We don't know when or how Nobody knows what we're doing here even now
In between moons I was the sea, I was the sea In between stars I was the salt, I was the salt You put your hope at the bottom of the jar Sent out a swarm of bees to sting from afar
Or turn the axe around in my hands Throw me in the fire Warm yourself, kid yourself a little while
In between moons I was the spring, I was the spring In between stars I was the iron, I was the iron At first you couldn't No, you didn't love enough And afterwards, you loved far too much
I don't know how I've come to see the world Exclusively through your eyes Everything I buy and eat and do with you in mind