They met on night by the waves wild And dark of the vast sea. From far away they came and were In number but of three.
The first was tall, with curly locks Of black as raven's wing, And sitting on a rock a song He dismally did sing.
The second looked so young that you No more than fifteen years Would say he liveth, and brought with him An arm that dripped with tears.
The third one was the last to come, All clothed in furs and skin With baldrick-wise bow, beautiful As one of godlike kin.
"Brothers in arms, companions mine, Whom Fate did gather so, Our path is clad in thickest mist And yet we have to go. What lies ahead we cannot see, Still bidden we're to go."
(One by one the pines would fall At chops well many and strong, That the three men a ship could build To sail the waves along.)
"Brothers in arms, companions mine, Hold strong yer heart and oar. Let our farewell as blessing bird Unto our homelands soar." "Farewell, my father?" "Oh!, my spouse?" "?Ah!, realms of the wild boar?"