Dark Tranquillity
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The Last Imagination

Dark Tranquillity

Endtime Signals

Our failure to accept what ceases to be
To give up on the idea of self
We can fail to meet with our grand ideas
Can we grasp our removal from the plan?
Here at childhood's end, here at nothingness
Are we lost?

This is the last page
Of the story no one else will ever read
The last imagination
One final set of truths
When every silent scream is written
To the night eternal
This is the last imagination
One final set of truths

We refuse to be nothing worthy of measure
So lost as our time is short
Have we fled our past to embrace a now
That is over before it's begun?
Now this endless midnight, eternal dark
Is our own

This is the last page
Of the story no one else will ever read
The last imagination
One final set of truths
When every silent scream is written
To the night eternal
This is the last imagination
One final set of truths
When all that's said and done is over
With the last page written
In the story no one else will ever
No one else will ever read

This is the last page
Of the story no one else will ever read
The last imagination
One final set of truths
When every silent scream is written
To the night eternal
This is the last imagination
One final set of truths

Compositores: Johan Reinholdz, Martin Brändström & Mikael Stanne

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