Dark Tranquillity
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Shivers and Voids

Dark Tranquillity

Endtime Signals

What we are
How we feel
Stuck inside our sensitivity
So we question
What we know
Understanding we are not alone
What is given
We will not take
Cannot betray what we can feel

As we suffer through shivers and voids
Another lapse will come
What is latent in our mind forever
Made to suffer
Our shivers and voids

For every night
We think we've mastered
There is a deeper insecurity
Inside our forces
Unending trials
We bend our backs to cope and endure
We must persist
Must power through
There is no end
Resist the storm

As we suffer through shivers and voids
Another lapse will come
What is latent in our mind forever
Made to tremble
Made to fear

Blind to the ignorance
Blind to the noise
We must remain
Inoculated against it all

As we suffer through shivers and voids
Another lapse will come
What is latent in our mind forever
Made to tremble
Made to fear

As we suffer through shivers and voids
Another lapse will come now
What is latent in our mind forever
We're made to suffer
Our shivers and voids

Compositor: Johan Reinholdz & Mikael Stanne

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