Cloudy June
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Dreaming Of You

Cloudy June


The world falls down as I sit around
In a room, with headphones on
Between shelter sheets
And repeating beats
And just the headphones on


And I'm feeling like a maniac for thinking that I could be
Any of the things that I should be
The world turns without me
And I'm feeling like a maniac for acting like this would be
Any of the the things that it could be
If I wasn't only dreaming

Dreaming of you

The world falls down as I sit around
In a room that's filled with shame
As the space grows small
In-between those walls
I turn on your song again


And I'm feeling like a maniac for thinking that I could be
Any of the things that I should be
The world turns without me
And I'm feeling like a maniac for acting like this would be
Any of the the things that it could be
If I wasn't only dreaming

Cloudy June

FU In My Head
Cloudy June


Dreaming of you
Dreaming of you

It turns without me

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