Claire Rousay
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it could be anything

Claire Rousay

Do you ever think about what I'm doing
When he's doing you?
'Cause I do
Maybe just hanging around
Maybe just blacking out
'Til I feel okay

First it's cheers at the bar
In the bathroom, there it starts
Tongue-filled mouths in the dark
Drunk with him in your apartment

Mental blasts of the best parts
Back when the apartment
Was yours and mine
Trying not to visualise
Your skin by candlelight while
He gets what he needs

First it's cheers at the bar
In the bathroom, there it starts
Voices crack in the dark
Is it self-destruction or pure of heart?

This is not your problem
This is not your fault
This is just me trying to stay involved
This is not your problem
This is not your fault
This is just me trying to stay involved
This is not your problem
This is not your fault
This is just me trying to stay involved

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