I spend my nights in the factory Building bombs for the good of the nation It's my job can't you see? Massive plutonium radiation They're gonna rock and destroy Made from the finest of alloys They're gonna fly under the radar Six feet over the russian horizon
Making The Bombs! Making The Bombs!
I install electronic components The little chips that know where home is It's such a thrill going through my section When i give them my final inspection I like the kind that save the buildings Why take it out on pillars of stone? You gotta kill you gotta maim The reak estate is not to blame
Making the world a nicer place For us to be Making the world a saver place For you and me
To keep a lid on the population We'll drop bombs on selected nations We've got a big one in current production We'll teach those slime buckets about reproduction Making the bombs, Making the bombs Dropping the bombs, dropping the bombs...