Camila Cabello
Página inicial > Pop > C > Camila Cabello > koshi xoxo (Feat. BLP KOSHER)

koshi xoxo (feat. BLP KOSHER)

Camila Cabello


I was going through like, kinda like a heartbreak
and I, also, uh, my dog that was, like
There for me and stuff, like, he had passed away
And I was listening to Camila
Her music got me through it
I've been out, the first music, like, album
that I actually, like, shed tears to music
while it was playing, like, 'cause the song
like, that was, like, uh, Camila, the Camila album
so, like, it's an honor to just be here
and be able to just like, you know
speak on that shit for real
C,XOXO, water

Compositores: BLP KOSHER, Yanacona, Jasper Harris, Camila Cabello, El Guincho

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