I was on my first drink, she was on three I was tryna catch up, 'fore she leaves I was on my third, she was on four Bartender go ahead and pour me up some more
That thang wasn't man enough for her But I got a little bit closer Backseat in my Ford Explorer I had the chance to explore her Damn right
Mix coke with a [?] Took shots of her favorite scent Blame it on love (Ya, ya, ya) It all started with a head nod Seven ways you can smoke and [?] Live life minimum wage Can't say it ain't tough It all started with a head nod Head nod, head nod, head nod, head nod
Say girl, ain't judgin' you Good things I was coming too for me It could have been worse could have been a bathroom stall (A bathroom stall) Everyday's a new holiday, let go don't be ashamed, no (No) I couldn't bring gifts like Santa Claus
That thang wasn't man enough for her But I got a little bit closer Backseat in my Ford Explorer I got the chance to explore her Damn right
Mix coke with a [?] Took shots of her favorite scent Blame it on love (Ya, ya, ya) It all started with a head nod Seven ways you can smoke and [?] Live life minimum wage Can't say it ain't tough It all started with a head nod Head nod, head nod, head nod, head nod Yeah
Mix coke with a [?] Took shots of her favorite scent Blame it on love (Ya, ya, ya) It all started with a head nod Step away you can smoke and [?] Live life minimum wage Can't say it ain't tough It all started with a head nod Head nod, head nod, head nod, head nod Yeah