


Flaming heart, flaming tire
Flaming leap through the fire
Through the coil, burning pyre

You are wind, you're desire
You are stems and leaves and washed out streets
And riverbeds dry for years, then flooded in mere seconds
Full to the brim over sand, broken glass
Shards of plates and aluminum cans shining light
Light, light, light out from the earth
from the tan, from the brown
Reeds dried out, once green
now found drowned under the rush

I type in one word press search
I find Millenia is a town in Florida
A nеighborhood with a dark blue sky and bright lights
Illuminating stucco, Roman style
architecturе of a Cheesecake Factory

And I think about what it means
To be seen in this time, in these years
When a word as expansive and central as millenia
Is referenced in such a strange fractal
of the most particular kind of present moment
that I can conjure up in my small mind
The referencing of the referencing of the referencing
Of time
And the fractalizing nature of authenticity

You need me, too
I know you do
I need you too

Compositores: Maya Bon, Ryan Albert

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