Página inicial > B > Babehoven > Lonely, Cold Seed

Lonely, Cold Seed


Sit in the wake and watch me grow
Sit in the wake and watch me grow
Three wings from my back
Three wings of a feather flight
To take off, to take off, to take off

Red, black, and orange beak
Stares back through
My window at me
Perched on a birch tree
Perched on the limb of
A birch tree, a birch tree, a birch tree

Who who are you today
Who who are you today
Who who are you today
Who who are you going to be

Who who can find root here
Who who can find root here
All I can see are branches that spread out
All I can see branches that leave
You lonely
Lonely, cold seed
Lonely, lonely, cold seed

Compositores: Maya Bon, Ryan Albert

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