The Fortune wheel is running closer to stop Better cross your fingers pray to your gods! Forget luck was once at your side Even if you win you know you will die! Dynamite, shotgun maybe stop at the "fork time" Anthrax' included; the you'll scream "Stop! " There's nothing certain no one can deny You just don't get to choose the way you will die!
Bible says: "humans be dammed" But this fantasy little book won't save your sorry ass Thanks mankind we're still unkind So, throw the dart, roll the dice Anyway we'll die
Oh, no use to cry, you had our time Be here and face and life No not enough time - life is to wait Now death is here to take your way!
Habet virtutem illos sancto libro Cogitabant infirmus illos! Non est caelum et infernum! Habet virtutem illos sancto libro Non est caelum et infernum! No bonum et malum! Solum initium est et finem!
Oh, no use to cry, you had our time Be here and face and life No not enough time, life is to wait Now death is here to take your way!
Compositor: Heron Ribeiro; Gabriel Monteiro; Matheus Rodrigues