Angela Ro Ro

My Sweet

Angela Ro Ro

My sweet
All I can do is wish that I could be with you
The evening falls beside my tears
It seems that I've been waiting years…
Every night I meet you at that bar
I feel your smell so near
When your soul 's so far

Lost in the dark, behind a smile
You won't find nothing in love worth while
Your fantasies are all you care
Although they only bring you despair
Emptiness is all you got to give me
But your sorrow and your pain you won't deceive them

My sweet, my sweet
This song of love was meant for you…
My sweet
Hoping that you will love someone
Just like I did love you

Even though my heart may break in pieces
Each time I think of you my…
Even though my heart may break in pieces
Each time I think of you my…

Compositor: Angela Maria Diniz Gonsalves (Angela Ro Ro)
ECAD: Obra #62873

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