We're small talking In the back of my head I'm wondering When we're gonna start Talking about our issues We left in the dark That we left in the dark
Because the truth is my heart pounds Whenever I'm talking to you Just from that slim chance That you my just like me too
But at the same time I can't say that to you 'Cause I'm afraid you'll think I'm crazy Or I'm getting attached too soon
And maybe I am Maybe I do In this crazy love rush I don't know how to play by the rules So I keep losing and losing and losing But here I am hoping they could bend
Those two hours really flew by Did we even talk about anything? It's like I can't remember at all It was cold and it was raining
We were seated on a rock under a tree Next to the statue of a guy we'd never seen But was probably Much more relevant than me And you will ever be
But against all odds I felt safe and warm there I was wondering if That was something that we shared
You look even more stunning in person In case you cared