Aly & AJ
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Give My Regards To Broadway (tradução)

Aly & AJ

Give My Regards To Broadway

Dê meus cumprimentos a Broadway

Lembre-me na Herald Suare

Diga a todas da gangue da 42 Street

Que em breve estarei lá

Cochiche sobre como estou anciosa

Misture-se na multidão

Dê meus cumprimentos a velha Broadway

E diga que estarei lá, lá lá!

Give My Regards To Broadway

Give my regards to Broadway

remember me to Herald square

Tell all the gang at 42nd street

that I will soon be there

Wisper of how I'm yearning

to mingle with the old time throng

Give my regards to old broadway

and say that I'll be there, I'll be there, I'll be there long!

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