What's your motivation?/ What pushes you?/ What have you accomplished when the day is through?/ Is it about money?/ Is it about fame?/ Is it about people knowing your name?/ Is it about drugs?/ Is it about sex?/ Are these all the ways you measure success?/ Is it about fashion?/ Is it about sales?/ How do you know when you're a corporate whore?/ What have you gave?/ What have you taught?/ Is this what you are really about?
What's your motivation?/ What pushes you?/ What have you accomplished when the day is through?/ Is it about security?/ Is it about stability?/ Are these worth giving up on your dreams?/ Is it about a room of things?/ Is it about a bank account?/ Are these things ever enough?/ Is it about a wife?/ Is it about a husband?/ Are you doing what society tells you?
What have you gave?/ What have you taught?/ Is this what you are really about?/ What's your motivation?/ What pushes you?/ What have you accomplished when the day is through?