Old man hypnotized Spiders with ancient eyes Black dogs who come in herds Old man, the word Old man, the word
Raised on golden days God love the usa Fed on the purple haze Young men today He heard them say Amen, amen, amen
I'll never say goodbye I'll never tell you lies I'm never gonna die Amen, amen, amen
Became the power man Raised on the ocean His hands, wrinkled brown Melt with the sound, melt with the sound Heros in silver scenes Real men never scream Old man I heard you dream Old man, the sound Amen, amen, amen
Young man's memories Stay with the summer leaves Old man, we can not see Old men decay Slip slow away Old man, we'll hold your face The suns danced for your song Old man looked around Heard but the sound Amen, amen, amen
I'll never say goodbye I'll never tell you lies I'm never gonna die Amen, amen, amen