Hyprocricy pays in ample wages And honesty screws you on a thousand stages So what you gonna do when, your train comes thru You better think twice before you throw your cards Stretch a little truth you know it's not that hard Guilt is a taste that you'll get used to
Oh the lies that we tell Make us healthy when we're not well Put us in heaven when we're in hell you know it's true Oh the lies that we tell Make us sparkle when we are stale Make reality of a wishin' well you know it's true You know it . . . . .
Don't believe the hype cuz cheaters prosper Puff your resume just to join a roster Watch the clueless, not get a clue I'm not tryin' to condone behavior But if you're soulless it could be your saviour Suck your conscience in and roll on thru
Oh the lies that we tell Make us healthy when we're not well Put us in heaven when we're in hell you know it's true Oh the lies that we tell Make us sparkle when we are stale Make reality of a wishin' well you know it's true You know it ...